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A sunflower in the storm

Mother tell me, Mother tell me:

What is this thing you call a storm?

Why does our house shake and shudder?

Why does rain fall when gray clouds form?

Those trees, why are they trembling?

Are they scared of darkened skies?

Why does this lightning flash

So brightly before my eyes?

Mother tell me, Mother tell me,

While I’m sitting on your lap,

Why the world is such a scary place

When the sky turns suddenly black?

Mother, Mother do these storms

Only come to make us fear?

Are they trying to take from us

The comfort we’ve found here?

Hush now, my child, listen,

Snuggle close and hear me speak.

Storms are not such a great mystery

And do not come to make things bleak.

Listen close, always remember

The lesson you’re about to learn.

Here’s the purpose, here’s the source

For every tempest, every storm.

Hear the thunder, listen closely.

Can you hear God’s mighty voice?

He is begging every hurting soul

To shelter in His arms and rejoice.

Now, if you concentrate harder

You might hear a deep, sad sigh

For His heart is always broken

When we shun His mighty cry.

See the lightning, see the lightning!

Did you see it pierce the sky?

That is how God's love comes down

When on Him we choose to rely.

When’er your safe world darkens,

Do not fear for God’s holy Light

Always shines and always pierces

Every shadow of the night.

Close your eyes now, close them tightly.

And listen to the rain fall.

That tone of pattering raindrops

Is the sweetest sound of all.

You see, my dear, each tiny drop

Is a note in God's symphony

As God and all His angels

Sing a song for you and me.

Mother tell me, Mother tell me:

What happens when the storm is gone?

Can the hurting hear His voice

When He ends his blessed song?

Mother tell me, Mother tell me:

How can we find our light

If each storm takes back the lightning

That made the dark so bright?

Ah, my child, but there is the magic.

God’s storms are always fruitful.

In the calm the world discovers

What makes each storm beautiful.

When we step outside the rain still

Clings to the dry earth,

And through each fallen raindrop

All living things find new birth.

Just like the raindrops, we hold

To the truth and the light

So you and I can help our Savior

After storms pass through our life.

We can be His voice, His light and song,

We can pray for the hopeless and blind.

And every place we journey to

We can help him reach mankind.

Mother tell me, Mother tell me

Is this really true?

Can God really use us

The way he uses storms too?

Yes, my dear, my sweetest child

For each storm that comes our way

Is His manner of reminding us

To brighten another’s day.

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Hailey Huntington
Hailey Huntington
May 24, 2023

Beautiful poem!

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